Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Recycled Fabric Hearts

These heart pins are so gorgeous, I just kind of melt when I look at this picture.  I don't think I could recreate these exactly, but it would be interesting to see what I end up with if I give it a try!  I saw these at  Great Green Goods.  Apparently they are made by rolling and layering fabrics, then slicing them like polymer clay canes. 


  1. wha????
    i have tried my hand at making polymer clay canes. i had NO IDEA artists were rolling and slicing fabric!!
    i'm screaming about this.
    wow, what a LOOK!

  2. The Artist is Meg Hannan. Meg passed away about a year ago. No one that I know of does this, and I can tell you, it would be very difficult to replicate. Years and years of developing this technique, to dying of fabrics, the texture collections, and even the slicing process. I think just the dyes may have contributed to her eventual lack of health.

    1. I'm sorry to hear she passed. I met her once many years ago and have an amazing heart prendant necklace with dangles hanging from it. It never ceases to get compliments. She was very accomplished at her craft! Sorry to hear it may have helped lead to her demise.

  3. I have been wearing one of these ( lime green shades) for so many years. I did not ever meet the artist , am sorry to here of her passing. I have always thought this idea is so clever!

  4. I have one of the blue ones on the left and love it. I bought in Alaska many years ago. So sad to hear she passed away.

  5. Thank you for posting to this site & letting us know about Meg Hannan. I met her at a couple of bead shows. She took time to share her process for making those beautiful hearts. So creative. Sorry to hear that we have lost her. I have 3 of her hearts...I treasure them.
