Friday, September 7, 2012

Thirty-three More

Day #251
Hearts #395-427

I made all these hearts earlier in the week, but I held off posting them until I could finish a "special" heart to be my 365th--and goal-reaching--heart.  These have all gone out in the mail in Hope Hearts starter kits.  I put 8 more kits in the mail yesterday, and for once I was totally caught up--every kit that had been requested was in the mail!  That was a great feeling!  I've sent 66 kits, and I will continue to make and mail them to anyone who requests one.

Helen, a regular reader, asked me where I found the quote on the large hearts ("Happiness is a form of courage").  Actually, I saw it online on a kit for an embroidered pillow!  Today I googled it, and this quote is attributed to a writer named Holbrook Jackson.

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